Mission Initiatives

DSCN2645Believing that we are called to be Christ’s hands and feet in the world, we seek to serve others in Christ’s name. Through outreach and mission, we identify ways that we can help make a positive difference in the world.

We describe our mission and ministry plan like this: We are a local community of faith; challenged, strengthened and transformed by God by the power of Christ in us.

•  welcome all who would follow Christ.
•  prefer truth to complacency.
•  strive to connect faith and life.
•  serve the church, community and the wider world through compassionate and empowering ministries.

Each year, through the Nurture and Mission Committee, we evaluate and adjust our priorities, committing both monies and labor to projects and needs that are identified. Through the Stewardship Committee we support the work of the broader church’s mission through Maumee Valley Presbytery and the wider denominational ministries of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.