Christian Education

We believe that Christian Education encompasses all aspects of our congregation’s life together as we seek to know God, grow in faith, pass our faith on to our children, and build community that reaches out to others. There is an aspect of learning involved in all of these things. While worship is central to our life together as a community of faith, we also acknowledge that faith is a life-long journey of growing and maturing spiritually. Learners of all ages are invited to join the journey with us…

Sunday Morning Classes for Children 

On the third Sunday of the month, after the Children’s Message in worship service, the children leave with their teachers to go to Sunday School.

Sunday Morning Classes For Adults

After Labor Day and through May, life-learners gather in the Parlor after the worship service to discuss a contemporary issue of faith.

For information on these opportunities,
please call the church office at 419 433-5018.